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Test Days

Bronze Session

Skills Freeskate Dance
Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Dance Elements
Star 2   Star 2a - Dutch Waltz
Star 3   Star 2b - Canasta Tango
Star 4   Star 3a - Baby Blues
Star 5   Star 3b - Dance Elements
    Star 4a - Swing
    Star 4b - Fiesta Tango
    Star 5a - Willow Waltz
    Star 5d - Dance Elements

Silver Session

Skills Freeskate Dance
Star 6 Star 2 Star 6a - Ten-Fox
Star 7 Star 3 Star 6b - European
Star 8 Star 4 Star 6c - Fourteenstep
  Star 5 Star 7a - Foxtrot
    Star 7b - Tango
    Star 7c - American
    One of the following:
    Star 8a - Kilian
    Star 8b - Rocker Foxtrot
    Star 8 c - Starlight Waltz

Gold Session

Skills Freeskate Dance
Star 9 Star 6 Two of the following:
Star 10 Star 7 Star 8a - Kilian
Gold Star 8 Star 8b - Rocker Foxtrot
  Star 9 Star 8c - Starlight Waltz
  Star 10 Two of the following:
  Gold Star 9a - Paso Doble
    Star 9b - Blues
    Star 9c - Silver Samba
    Two of the following:
    Star 10a - Cha Cha Congelado
    Star 10b - Westminster Waltz
    Star 10c - Quickstep
    Two of the following:
    Gold A - Viennese Waltz
    Gold B - Argentine Tango
    Gold C - Gold Rhythm Dance


STARSkate Tests

Skaters working through the STARskate system will complete tests in 4 areas:

* DANCE - usually the first tests a skater will complete. Each dance is a prescribed pattern of steps that the skater must learn and master. 3 - 4 dances must be completed successfully at each level.

* SKILLS - focus on edges , turns, and control in footwork. Each test consists of 3 prescribed exercises which must be successfully completed to earn the level. Generally skaters will have been skating for some time prior to beginning work on the tested exercises.

* FREESKATE - usually the second or third test skaters begin work on. Each level has a set of skills that are mandatory to complete the level, but also, once they have completed it, they must compete at that level in STARskate competitions and there are certain skills they will be expected to have in their solo. Freeskate tests are in 2 parts - a set of elements, done in isolation and a freeskate program.

* INTERPRETIVE - a program that focuses on the artistic expression of the music, rather than elements (jumps, spins, etc.). Most skaters will have good general skating skills and strong footwork and field moves before beginning to work on Interpretive programs and tests.


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